Prepared Together Fire & EMS Summit

Thank you for making the Prepared Together Summit a success! This event took place on July 19, 2024.

Read the event recap for highlights from the day.

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8:00 – 9:00: Breakfast, Networking and Lounges

9:00 – 9:15: Welcome & Program Overview

9:15 – 10:00: Health Panel

10:10 – 10:50: Personal & Professional Breakouts - Round 1*

  • Silas Grant, “The Next Level” - Explore strategies to boost your upward mobility, career growth, and social advancements. This session offers practical tips and tools for aligning your digital presence with your career goals, alongside tactics for nurturing healthy personal and professional relationships.

  • Dr. Jennifer Lund, “From Recruit to Retirement: Navigating Your Health  - Discover the critical role of primary care in conjunction with occupational health, recognize the warning signs of health issues ("check engine light is on"), achieve peak fitness post-academy, and take charge of modifiable health risk factors.

  • Lt. Joe Morgan, “When the Heart Rises, It's A Call to Action! Take Charge of Your Mental Wellness: PTSD to PTG - Hear Lt. Joe Morgan’s harrowing survival story from the Cherry Road Fire of 1999, emphasizing resilience and the power of self-awareness in overcoming extreme adversity. This session will inspire you to harness your inner strength and resilience in facing life's fiercest challenges. 

  • James Tate, “Food is Fuel '- Understand how to view food as fuel, not just sustenance. Learn practical ways to nourish your body optimally, enhancing both physical and mental performance.

  • David Steele, "Surviving to Thriving" - Explore the unique mental health challenges first responders face. Learn to recognize key behavioral and emotional signs associated with stress and trauma. Gain insights into effective strategies to manage these symptoms and enhance resilience amidst ongoing exposure to traumatic situations. 

(Agenda continued)

11:00 – 11:40: Personal & Professional Breakouts - Round 2

11:50 – 12:30: Networking Lunch

12:40 – 1:20: Personal & Professional Breakouts - Round 3

1:30 – 2:10: Personal & Professional Breakouts - Round 4

2:20 – 3:00: Keynote:Who are you? Everyone has a Story.”

  • Chief John S. Butler, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue

    Explore the transformative power of personal storytelling in career development. Learn how sharing your unique journey can build connections, inspire colleagues, and propel your professional growth. 

2:50 – 3:00: Closing Remarks

*Attendees self-select which breakout session to attend. These options repeat each round. 

Agenda subject to change.

Why Attend?

Because this day is all about YOU—the whole you, beyond the uniform. The Summit blends personal development with practical, job-enhancing knowledge. The Prepared Together Summit offers a unique blend of personal development, addressing mental, physical, and financial well-being alongside professional topics like leadership and operational tactics. This isn't a sit back and listen to a PowerPoint presentation kind of day. You'll be able to ask questions and speak candidly with experts and your peers. 

About Food on the Stove

The Prepared Together Summit is brought to you by Equipped in partnership with Food on the Stove, a firefighter-operated organization on a vital mission to revolutionize the health of the fire service. By directly tackling the leading cause of firefighter deaths – heart disease – through nutritious food delivery, healthy meal preparation, engaging cooking demonstrations, and establishing firehouse food pantries, they're paving the way for a healthier lifestyle. Their commitment extends beyond the firehouse, fostering a community united by wellness and safety, underscoring their dedication to protecting those who protect us. 

What to Expect

  • For Firefighters, by Firefighters: We're speaking your language, focusing on what you face every shift. Whether it's exploring investment strategies that maximize your pension or gaining new insights on emergency response, like how to treat autistic children during emergency calls, we designed our sessions with your needs in mind. This is where actionable knowledge meets your commitment to service, enriching your career and life.  

  • Making Every Voice Heard: We're committed to ensuring EMS professionals feel seen, acknowledging that most calls are for medical emergencies. 

  • Our Speakers: Expect a lineup that blends lived experience with expert insights. Our speakers, both from within the ranks and from specialties outside the firehouse, are ready to engage with you in meaningful, collaborative exchanges. 

Explore the complete lineup of events for DC Fire & EMS Week here.