Supporting First Responders’ Mental Health: A New Era of Awareness and Action
by Mel Bearns
First responders consistently face very high levels of risk and associated stress – but it wasn’t until recently that the mental health and wellness of police officers, firefighters, and paramedics were given much attention. This, unfortunately, left many to cope as best they could without professional intervention, leading to alcohol and substance abuse and the collapse of spousal and family relationships due to psychological and emotional stress.
Without intervention, first responders are left on their own to face anxiety, depression, and an elevated risk of suicide. Studies have also shown that first responders are more likely to experience cardiovascular events due to high levels of stress hormones. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, 85% of first responders have experienced symptoms related to mental health issues, and 57% fear negative repercussions for seeking help.
Changing Attitudes
Fortunately, the attitude towards mental health and wellness has taken a big turn for the better. “One sure way of hearing crickets in a room is to ask field providers to discuss their feelings,” stated Captain Shane Beck, EMS Coordinator of the s Trophy Club Fire Department (TX). “Providers must understand that maintaining mental wellness requires a support network and the acknowledgment that we are all humans with emotions. Personal experiences and emotions are essential components of what makes a great first responder.”
Marty Hamrick is the Fire Chief for Jonesboro, Arkansas. He drew a parallel between police officers and EMS and firefighting personnel, as one in seven police officers tend to suffer from PTSD. One in 10 suffer from other mental illnesses which is twice as much as the average person. “As time has passed, some of the duties of the Jonesboro Fire Department have changed, and now a majority of calls are EMS-related, and over half of the fire department is EMS-certified,” Chief Hamrick said. “Any time there is an ambulance called in the city for an emergency, they also get a fire truck, and most of the time, we respond and get there sooner than the ambulance company can start that lifesaving care.”
Chief Hamrick added that with of various calls comes increased responsibility and witnessing tragic scenes. “It’s very possible that at least one time per day, these guys are seeing death – dealing with death – and seeing these tragedies unfold can take a toll. The way it would manifest would be that we would turn to drinking alcohol or, in some cases, to drugs, or we would have our personal relationships crumble because we weren’t dealing with the trauma we would see. Now the JFD has resources available to help firefighters have a safe outlet, including peer support and often they’ll just sit down and talk on the bumper of the truck, which is usually the first way to diffuse.” Chief Hamrick added that workers at the department are specially trained through the state. If anyone begins to show destructive behavior, the department will work with them to find professional help.
Adopting New Techniques
The Jonesboro Police Department has also instituted a peer support group that now counts on 20 individuals trained to provide peer support as part of the department’s wellness program. Mike Hart, is the wellness coordinator of the department, affirmed that this type of mental health assistance is indeed quite new. “’Suck it up, Buttercup’ was the predominant theme just a few years ago,” Hart said. “Now you don’t see that anymore – we’re here for you so you don’t have to deal with the high-stress and tense situations alone.”
Hart also said that in addition to peer support the department participates in a yearly statewide law enforcement assistance program by sending officers to take part and gain experience and knowledge they can bring back to the Jonesboro PD. This program provides a module for critical incident debriefing over a two-and-a-half- day period, enabling law enforcement officers to talk through their problems with a therapist.
The Jonesboro PD has also incorporated mindfulness techniques when responding to high- stress situations. An important aspect of this training is learning the breathing aspect of it,” Hart said. “Officers want to make sure they’re operating in the cognitive and not in the emotional part of their brain. That way, they can rationally work through the problem.”
“I think our department is well ahead of other departments,” Hart affirmed. “We are constantly evaluating ways to further help our officers, including applying for grants that would provide additional support. We all want to continue seeing growth in the JPD wellness program, and I’m proud of our department for taking these steps to help protect the community in the best way possible.”
As more fire, police and EMS departments across the nation continue to adopt and incorporate mental health and wellness programs, more first responders will have greater access to resources and support, helping them alleviate the mental and emotional burdens associated with their line of work.
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