International Firefighters’ Weekend: Inside Look with Chief Anthony Kelleher
A conversation between Jonathan Tate, Washington DC firefighter and founder of Food on the Stove, and Anthony Kelleher, Deputy Fire Chief, DC Fire and EMS.
This Equipped Talk is an inside look at Chief Kelleher’s seminar presentation “Attention to Detail – A Blueprint to Fire Service Efficiency,” in which he outlines a step-by-step process for battling complacency and building proficiency through efficiency.
Building Organizational Leadership: Part 2
A conversation between Lt. Jermaine Harris, Chicago Police Department, and Willie Crump, National Unit Chief for Narcotics and Contraband Smuggling, Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The law enforcement profession has faced a number of crises in recent years that have negatively impacted recruitment and retention as well as community relationships. In the face of these challenges, it can be tempting for leaders to shift into micromanaging their teams to avoid mistakes, which can lead staff to feel paralyzed.
Building Organizational Leadership: Part 1
A conversation between Lt. Jermaine Harris, Chicago Police Department, and Dr. Patrick Malone, American University’s Key Executive Leadership Programs.
First responders are adept at technical thinking, but what about adaptive thinking? Learn how building a foundation of self-awareness enables public safety professionals to make better practical decisions in their daily work.
American University: Re-Envisioning Police Training in the U.S.
The report argues for a need to revisit all levels of police training, including academy, in-service, mid-rank, command, and leadership. Its authors contend that this multi-level approach will ensure that everyone at every rank is keying off the same mission, vision, and strategies to ensure consistent and successful service delivery.
21st Century Fire Service Leadership
Reginald Freeman, Fire Chief, City of Oakland
From social justice demands, to gaps in diversity, equity, and inclusion, to a less experienced workforce, the 21st-century fire service is faced with unprecedented challenges. Chief Freeman discusses leadership principles and initiatives necessary to be successful in this ever-evolving field.
IAFC’s Growing As a Leader Series: Six Ways to Build, Engage and Retain Your Team
This six-part video series from the International Association of Fire Chiefs features motivational speaker Jan Spence. Topics include teamwork and communication; generational differences; difficult people; recruitment; leading and engaging volunteers and employees; and time management.